I’ve loved Stacked Braids for a long time. Pretty genius, really, accenting a braid down the spine of another braid! Now we’re seeing quite a few intriguing combos using this fun braid technique.
A few months back, my friend Shelley from Pretty Little Braids, direct messaged me with an idea asking if we could share it on our channel. Her idea? How to stack a braid on top of a Dutch pull-through braid. We loved it, and so today we’ll show you our version using a simple pull-through.
To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHStackedPullThru
Kamri’s Outfit: Blouse | Pants | Shoes | Bow
After each pull-through created, we sectioned off {feathered} a small strand from each stitch to be used later for our stacked braid. The stacked braid consists of a simple 3-strand braid using the feathered-off strands.
You’ll find that by braiding this hairstyle tightly, it will hold up super well during sports or any other active activities. Braid this hairstyle loosely, really pancaking the edges, and you’ll get that soft and full look that is very popular today.
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 1 ponytail holder, 8-12 small hair elastics, accessory and hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 5-7 minutes
Skill Level: Medium
Video Tutorial:
Step-By-Step Instructions:
Begin with hair secured into a high ponytail… Divide the ponytail into two even sections {a top and a bottom}… Now, separate off a small section of hair from the top of the top section, laying it over the head and securing with a clip or have daughter hold… Add your first elastic to the remaining top section of the hair, down a few inches from the ponytail holder… Then, create a centered hole in the hair section between the two elastics… Now, reach through with your thumb and index finger, grabbing the second section of the ponytail and pulling it upward through the hole so that it is now on top… As you did in Step #3, separate off a small section of hair from the top of the new top section, and lay it out of the way… Continue Steps #4-7 until you run out of hair, leaving you with a Pull-Through Feather Braid. Go back and pancake each of the Pull-Through sections to add volume to the base braid… Then go back to the top and starting with the first small section you feathered out…begin a regular 3-strand braid… Braid down a couple of stitches and then add in the hair from the next feathered strand you left out. Continue Step #11 until you’ve reached the end of the ponytail {the top braid will be nicely secured against the bottom, because you anchored in pieces along the way}… Secure with an elastic and add hairspray and accessory {if desired}.Mindy’s In-Video Outfit: Shirt | Pants | Kimono | Shoes | Necklace | Earrings
If you loved this hairstyle, please let us know below in the comments. I am on am mission now to find various other stacked braid combinations!
Happy Hairdoing!
My twins’ latest YouTube video!