The week has rolled to a close. The house is now incredibly clean (minus the mess from the concrete downstairs). The kids start school again tomorrow (thank heavens) and life is slowly getting back to normal. Today, after a week of storms and snow, we are finally enjoying fabulous weather. Life is looking good!
As I sat thinking about what to post it occured to me that I haven’t posted about adoption for awhile. So today I’m going to do an Adoption Tip. The tip this week is if you are thinking about adoption at all–complete a home study.
For those not familiar with a home study, it is a process where you certify that you are fit to adopt by providing financial, personal, and emotional info to an agency. It often takes a couple of weeks for you to gather all the info together such as copies of birth/marriage certificates, tax statements, personal references, etc. The government also requires police background checks including fingerprints so they can make sure you are fit to adopt. The time to be background cleared can take longer than expected if you have moved among several states over the past three years. When all of the document gathering is complete, an agency social worker will come to your home and meet with you. They will assess the condition of your home and you in general. Try not to get discouraged or frustrated throughout the process because sometimes it feels a little invasive. Remember, the law requires agencies to thoroghly ensure that you can reasonably provide for and protect the adopted child. They want to help these children find a good family.
This whole process can take anywhere from 2 months to 6 months. It can cost anywhere from $600-$1000 (depending on which agency you are working with).
The best news is that once this is done you are OFFICIALLY certified and ready to adopt. Whether you choose to sit on the homestudy and wait for a year, or try to get a baby right away – you are ready.
I’m suggesting this because with Heart to Heart the babies come fast! I often have people ask me about situations I post and express quite a bit of interest. The problem is that most of these babies are coming so quickly that although you or someone you know expresses interest… they are not homestudy ready. These children have to go to a home-study ready family.
On that note here are the most recent available situations. I have taken them directly off the H2H website and don’t have any additional info on the situations. The top situation (labled Already Born) is a perfect example of the benefit to being home study ready.
************************************************************************************************************************ Already Born
Born April 16th in Louisiana
Birth mother used cocaine and there will be some withdrawals but the baby is healthy with no apparent side effects.
Should probably be released from the hospital on Sunday.
You need to be ready and able to travel and pick him up this weekend.
Fees are $30,000
Please call Rachel M : (801) 838-8011for more information
Situation 1 (NCo)
Hisp Girl Due April 20th in Utah Fees are $30,000 + Full Medical (8k-10k) Please call for more information
Situation 2 (NCa)
AA Boy Due June 16th in Utah Fees are $16,000 + Full Medical (8k-10k) Please call for more information
Situation 3 (CM)
AA Unknown Due June 19th in Utah Fees are $16,000 Possible Medical she may get on Medicaid Please call for more information
Situation 4 (LC)
AA Unknown Due June 20th in Indiana Fees are $16,000 + $5000 Legal Please call for more information
Situation 5 (DR)
AA Unknown Due June 24th in Utah Fees are $16,000 + Full Medical (8k-10k) Please call for more information
Situation 6 (SB)
AA Boy Due June 28th in Missouri Fees are $16,000 + Legal $5,000
Please call for more information
Situation 7 (ER)
CC/AA Girl Due June 28th in Maryland Fees are $24,500 + Legal $3,000 -$4000 Please call for more information