UPDATE 09/11/2009: I just heard that a family was found for this baby! Thanks to all of you who showed interest, and were praying for this little girl!
OK–while I was up camping this weekend I received the following email from Heart to Heart. Please help find this baby and birthmom a family. Our birthmom also had a family back out on her before we entered the picture and it was sooooo devastating for her. Please pass the info along to anyone you know!
From Shelley at Heart to Heart:
**EMERGENCY** We need a family!! We have a birthmother being induced on July 30 in Utah with a Caucasian/Hispanic baby girl. Medicaid is in place. Fees are $25,000. Birthmother and her biological son have some mild learning delays. It is possible this will be passed on to the baby as well.
Birthmother would like a family willing to have an open adoption. Active Christian family preferred; non LDS.
We need to find this baby girl a family as soon as possible. This is a great birth family. They have had their hearts broken when their recent match fell through. The birthmother is a lovely young lady with a sweet 2 yr old son. Birthmom also has great support in this placement from her mother. They are positive about adoption and are so excited to find this baby’s forever family.
Home study ready families who are truly interested, please call Megan (801)838-8014 or email [email protected].
Happy Hairdoing!