I just wanted to share a quick comment I received from Megan, a faithful follower of the website since the beginning. The comment touched me so much, I wanted to share it with everyone. I had no idea in the beginning that this website blend of hairdo’s and adoption could be so meaningful to anyone other than me! It was heartfelt and very much appreciated…
Megan writes:
“Our little girl is going to be one next month. As I was getting an idea for my 4yr old’s hair this morning on your blog I thought to myself, what if I had never started to follow your blog… I would have never found the H2H agency and I don’t know how else I would of found our little girl. I just wanted to let you know that not only are you helping people make their girls look sooo cute, but you are changing lives. I know we can’t be the only family that has found the latest addition to our family through your blog. Thanks again!”
Megan, I am so happy for you!
Happy Hairdoing!