Many of you who know me, or have followed this site for awhile know that adoption has greatly touched my life. I cannot imagine our lives without our “little man”! Of course, in order to get to the point of considering adoption… we struggled for a long time with infertility after three pregnancies. It was always good to find someone else who knew what we were experiencing, given that we knew our family was not complete!
In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week, April 24th – May 1st, a friend of mine has organized an Infertility Conference to be held in Salt Lake City. The event is for all people who are looking for hope, strength, and support. It will be held on April 24th, from 9am to noon at the University of Utah, Health Science Education Center (click the button for more details) and it is absolutely free of charge!
I agreed to promote this conference on my site because of our personal experience with infertility. I also wanted to do this because I have an uncle (Dr. James Heiner) who is one of the most prestigious fertility endocrinologists in the Western US. Although he practices here in UT, many couples nationwide come to him and his partner for their excellent services. (We often joke that my uncle has gotten several of my friends and family pregnant!) He is absolutely amazing and has shared stories with us since we were kids about the miracles he was able to experience.
My friend, Kerstin Daynes, who authored the book Infertility: Hope, Help, & Healing just created a video touching on the subject and sent it out for feedback. Out of nowhere, I receive an email from my uncle letting me know that he had seen the video, and wanted to comment on what he said was a “good-looking” photo of us at the very end of the video! He asked how I knew Kerstin and I told him that we are in the same church congregation. He then informed me that he will be a keynote speaker at this conference! What a coincidence! Here is the video…
So, for any of you in Utah (or surrounding states, for that matter) who have or are experienceing infertility, or know someone close to you who is in that situation… please do spread the word on this conference! If you are in an infertility club or group, that would be the perfect venue to announce this event! This is all about finding hope, support, and miracles… and even a few new friends! I know I will plan on being there! If you are going to attend, let me know and I will look for you!
Thanks a million!
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!