A Personal Request…

I have been thinking about this for a long time, and for some reason have been feeling a huge sense of urgency about it.  Many of you have already had a chance to read Our Adoption Story.

In reading it, you have recognized that at the time we felt that our family was not complete after our youngest daughter was born, and we could no longer have another child on our own. That amazing journey led to the adoption of our beautiful son. We love him so much and he is such an integral part of our family!

Baby boy

Well, that little longing feeling has again begun to creep into our hearts and thoughts! We have debated whether or not our family is “complete” because, let’s be honest… five children is already a BIG family! But, we also feel strongly that there is room in our family one more child!

Before signing with an agency, it is common for adoptive couples to reach out to friends/acquaintances and let them know of their desire to adopt, should anyone know of a situation where a birthmother (for her own reasons) would be placing a baby or child. We never did this the first time, because we were very private and unsure of all the unknowns going “out of system”. We did not want anyone to know until we knew for sure it would happen.  This time around, with a different perspective, we thought we would give it a try.

We now have our homestudy completed, and after much thought, we have decided to post about our desire on my website. It’s a deeply personal desire, but we have received such warm feedback from all of you on our 1st adoption experience that we thought we would reach out to all of you. Since I consider each of you friends,  who have come to know my family over the past few years, I would ask that if you know of a potential adoptive situation… could you let me know?

Although my blog passion is for hair and little girl fashion, with a dabbling of adoption spread throughout… my true passion is as a mother. We have a happy, happy home full of little children giggles and family time! It is evermore apparent that we truly feel like our family is not yet whole or complete.

We are hoping for a child under one year of age, preferably newborn, but would be open to all situations, and, again, any ethnicity is welcome. Gender doesn’t matter… as we are sort of hoping for a surprise with that!

No matter the many situations we are presented with, rest assured that I will post about them here.  I know there are many of you who either are in the adoptive system now, or know of someone who is waiting also.  I want this site to contiue matching beautiful babies to wonderful adoptive homes, as we have done over the past two years.

Somewhere out there is a mother who is about to make the toughest decision of her life, one that she feels will be of the best interests and benefit for her and the child. For our case, if that choice is adoption — we sincerely hope she would consider our family.

Thanks for allowing me to share these very personal feelings.  I love you all!

Happy Hairdoing!

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