For a few months now, we have been working through the adoption process again and many of you may remember because we announced our original intent here. But, some of you may have forgotten and wondered where I have been or why I had not been posting as much recently…
Well, we are so happy to announce the addition of CUTE GIRL #5 (child #6)! ** All photos were taken by my good friend, Katie, at Peekaboo Photos. Please do check out her website and Facebook Page!
Here are the brief details:
She was born 3 1/2 weeks early. Born in Reading, PA. Birthdate: Feb 10 Birth weight: 5 lbs 5 oz Height: 18 inches We had to wait 9 days in PA before bringing her home.I wish you all could have seen the twins’ reaction when we finally arrived home! Our flight arrived late at night, and by the time we arrived home the three younger children had already gone to bed. As much as they tried, they simply couldn’t stay awake… but the twins were not going to let sleep get in the way!
My husband filmed their reaction, so maybe, just maybe, we will post it!
The birthmother was absolutely amazing, and feels more like a sister to me than a “birth mom”. Her extended family welcomed us and congratulated us, and were absolutely wonderful to spend time with.
I am currently going through my journal and emails to compile our daughter’s adoption story similar to the one we did for our son. Be sure to check back soon for it!
As you might know, we are getting a huge following on YouTube for this website and its tutorials… I uploaded this “New Addition” announcement video yesterday on YouTube and it is already the 13th most discussed video today in the “How To” category. I really love to read all the feedback such wonderful people have posted about us and our family! You will also get a kick out of my son’s comments about his new baby sister!
Please feel free to go here and leave a comment on the video and help us get to #1 Most Discussed!
Happy Hairdoing!