4th of July Hairdo #1: Twists of Fun

Some of you may recognize this hairstyle as we featured the bun style last year. However, it is too cute not to be looked at again for this very wonderful holiday! Especially since it originally posted nowhere near the 4th of July.

Tomorrow, I’m taking photos of a fun new firecracker hairdo my hubby came up with. I hope it works out! This season is perhaps one of my most favorite holiday seasons of the year, second to Christmas! Yes, I am a patriot thru and thru, but there is something truly fantastic about the colors “Red, White, and Blue“! (Rhyming not intentional…)

4th of July Hairdo

(These photos are from years past, so our precious little D. will not be in any of them.)

4th of July Hairstyle4th of July Hairdo #1 This is my personal favorite hairdo for the 4th of July, and I have used it on my girls since they had hair long enough to play with. This hairdo is very simple, cute, and we receive tons of compliments every year!

Now, the basics of this hairstyle I have featured on here before so I won’t bore you with them again (instead, it can be found in the post used on Crazy Hair Day called One CRAZY ‘Do). Please view the link and follow the steps for this fun 4th of July hairstyle. Even if your DD has short hair, you can simply use two buns on top…

4th of July Hairdo #2 For pipe cleaner curly-cue’s, I used the solid-colored red/white/blue (as seen in the pictures). There are “sparkly” red/white/blue ones that you can find sometimes at craft stores that I actually like better for the flair, but they are more flimsy and harder to see…

4th of July Hairdo #3

4th of July Hairdo #4Or find some cute 4th of July headbands (at Target, Walmart, or any dollar store) and throw those on top!

As for the stars on the faces, I simply purchased red, white, and blue craft paint and a package of small kitchen sponges from Wal-Mart. We then cut the sponges into different shaped stars, squirt paint on paper plates, dip the best-looking side into the paint (like you would a stamp), and then press the painted side gently on your DD’s cheek. You can even superimpose a different-colored smaller star onto one already on the cheek for a more decorative look… just make sure the first star is already dry. The painted impression left by each stamp (given the sponge texture) gives a rustic-looking star that looks truly awesome! For clean up, simply use soap with water and scrub gently with a used washcloth.

Or if your too busy to mess with the paint Target has some super cute 4th of July stickers (which I like better than the Tattoo’s) for the face and hands. Easy to get on, easy to get off!

I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July! Please promise me that you will comment back here with the number of compliments you receive.

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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