Sounds like our 4th of July Hairdo was a hit this year! I have received many emails, postings on Facebook/Twitter, or blog comments stating that everyone really enjoyed this hairdo…
In fact, many moms mentioned that during parades, family outings, firework displays, or simply walking around on the 4th that they received so many compliments and requests like “How you did you do that?” Many mentioned that passer’s by would snap pictures of their daughters, ogling about how cute they were! Better yet, two moms mentioned that reporters had photographed their daughters and the resulting photos ended up being in the newspaper! One even won a prize for “Most Patriotic Hairdo” during a city parade! Here are just a few of the reader-submitted photos I received:
The following photo came from Dori via email…
The following photo came from Nikki, a Canadian down for the 4th of July, here…
The following photo came from Sherrie here…
The following photo came from Heidi here…
The following photo came from Crystal here…
The following photo came from Jennifer via email after “Canada Day”…
If any of you have photos of this hairdo from your daughters on the 4th of July, please do email them to me and I will include them here! How cool would that be for your daughter to see themselves on our site!
(Thanks also to all of you who commented on how much you like my new haircut. I was nervous about it and you helped reassure me! I heard from 10-12 moms who decided to cut their hair the same way as well!)
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!