I received a cute comment yesterday from a mom in the U.K. who said that she loved these hair styles so much that she is thinking about lobbying the head mistress at her daughter’s school to allow her daughter to celebrate the 4th of July with us! Another joked she was writing a letter to Parliament. Last year, a Canadian mom used one of my styles and localized it in red and white for Canada Day! This patriotism goes for any country!
As promised, I have compiled all of your reader-submitted 4th of July hairstyles for this post. There is quite a lot of creativity in these photos, and a passion for celebrating the patriotic with hair and accessories! Thanks, everyone, for sharing these hairstyle photos with us!!!
The submitted photos come from the following amazing ladies … Amy, Caitlin, Carrie, Dawn, Dawn K, Deena, Erin, Jennifer, Jessica, Jill, Karla, Laura, Leia, Lelah, Liz, Lynelle, Maggie Jane, Myndi, Nicole, Rachel, Sarah B, Sarah M, Shanna, Shawn, Wendi, Wendi M. {Be sure to link this post on your own blogs so that your family and friends can come here and see your photos! Simply tell them to mouse over the photos to find your name, then click on the photo to see it enlarged. }
The hairstyle photos below are listed in no particular order…
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!