After our “Adopt a ‘D0 – Cute Girls Hairstyles Review Board” (my four beautiful DD’s… ages 9, 9, 6, and 4) viewed all of October’s “Hairdoer of the Month” entries, the girls chose this style due to the Halloween season! There were so many beautiful hairdo’s submitted, it was hard to choose! All other entries will be rolled over to next month, so keep them coming! Congratulations to Marilyn and her daughter on being October’s Hairdoer of the Month!!! Feel free to stop by her blog and congratulate her!
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Spider Web with Simple Messy Pull Through
Time Requirement: 20 min. This does take a little more time. I probably wouldn’t do it for a school day morning, but very fun for a Halloween party.
Items Needed: 14 mini hair ties and 2 large hair ties.
Skill Level: Medium
Begin by brushing your DD’s damp hair back straight until smooth. Then begin sectioning off the top of her hair in four sections, secure each with a mini hair tie. I chose orange for Halloween. I think it makes it a little easier if you tie the bottom portion of your DD’s hair back during this part…
Then continue down the left side of her head and do three more sections. Securing those the same way…
This part is a little confusing to describe so check out the photo for better explanation. Brush the remaining hair down again and starting from the left side follow the part down from the top left hair tie section, and make a new section at the base of your DD’s neck. Twist the first hair tied section, and add it to the new section at the bottom and secure with another small tie…
Continue doing the same thing with the other three sections, and leave one last section on the right side of her head loose for the next part…
Now go back over to the far left side of your DD’s hair and twist the top side section of hair and then weave it in and out across the back of her head through the vertical sections, and attach with another hair tie on her right side with a section of the hair left out…
Continue doing the same thing with the other two sections weaving them in and out oppositely like weaving a basket (or a web), and secure with two more ties…
After all the hair is secured simply twist the bottom hair out adding piece to piece until they are all together, and do the same thing down on the right side, and secure them all together with a large tie. The picture above is a close up of the twist…
You can turn it into a pony tail or, what I did was on the last twist of the hair tie I only brought the hair half way through and let the ends hang over. Then secure it one more time with another hair tie to keep it tight. Spike up the ends, hair spray and add a fun halloween hair clip. I did not have any halloween clips, but I am definitely going to make one now to go with this. I think it would be really cute with a spider attached to it…
My DD’s and I had fun doing this, and even if you don’t pick ours we enjoyed spending the time together any way! You can always check out our family blog at!
Thanks for all the things you do. You have inspired me on many a hair day crisis, and we have come out of them looking happy and beautiful!!
Thank you,
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!