It’s time for another hairstyle! This one is pretty crazy and may require more than the normal 15 minutes for first-time users or the inexperienced. But once you get the hang of it, this won’t take any time at all. I have used it since my oldest girls were two, and every time I use it we receive so many compliments! It can be used by itself, or with a few accessories… for fun events like Valentines Day, 4th of July, Crazy Hair Day at school, etc, or even just on a day when you are feeling a little funky!
Items Needed: Spray bottle, brush, comb, 10 rubber bands, hairspray, and any other accessories like pipe cleaners (see end of tutorial).
Time Requirement: 5-10 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
(this is a picture after ratting)…
The end result of your hairdo should look like this…
Step-By-Step Instructions:
1. Begin by wetting all hair. Part off a section of hair right in the front-middle of head.
2. Now part down from the middle to top of ear.
3. Form a ponytail by adding an elastic.
4. Repeat process on other side of head to create three ponytails on the front half of head.
5. Form each into their own ponytail creating five total ponytails.
6. Now begin by twisting one ponytail until it is a very tight twist.
7. Once it is tight, while continually twisting the twist will naturally twist upon itself into a bun. Wrap it around the ponytail holder until all but 2-3 inches of hair is hanging out in the base… (***Another option is to just twist all the hair into the bun and leave none out the back)
8. Secure this bun by placing another rubber band over the base of the entire thing (this is a good picture of the ends sticking out of the buns as well as the rubber band holding the bun in place).
9. Continue to create buns with the four remaining ponytails. When you do the two buns on the back of the head, make sure you leave the ends of hair towards the middle of the head or pointing up (see picture if you are confused).
10. At this point you can leave the DO alone. But I think the ends look a little boring so I rat each end and fluff them. Add a little hairspray to make them stay in place. For special occasions you can add some fun things like PIPE CLEANERS! My favorite are the super sparkly ones you can get around the 4th of July in red, white, and blue. Take the pipe cleaner and wrap it around the bun and secure by twisting it a few times in back…
Then wrap the remaining pipe cleaner ends around your finger until the pipe cleaner looks like a stretched spring.
If you do this over each bun, you have a sparkler or firecracker look. On the 4th, I get TONS of comments saying, “Oh look… they look like they have little sparklers in their hair!” Believe me when I say it, THIS ONE GETS A LOT OF ATTENTION!!!! You could also do pink, red, and white for Valentines, green for St. Patty’s, orange and black for Halloween, etc… simply use your imagination!!!
Or you can just do the buns and then add other bling, bling like I did last year in this shot….
To see your own photo recreations of this hairstyle featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHHolidayTwistyBuns
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!