Ever since Valentine’s Day, I have been playing with some hairstyling ideas for St. Patty’s Day. I have to admit that though I have come up with several ideas, none have been amazing enough to be worth posting!
I was getting quite frustrated by the whole thing, but yesterday two things happened: #1, I got my first comment asking for St. Patrick’s Day hairstyles, and #2, my husband gave me a few more ideas I thought I would try out. I tried them and they worked much better! How cool is that??? So… today I am going to start my series of St. Patrick’s Day hairstyles. I’m going to begin by showing you the Three-Leaf Clover Twists.
To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our CGH App, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHThreeLeafCloverTwists
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, hairspray, water spray bottle, pomade, 1 regular rubber band, 7 small elastics (the clear kind like ortho’s use on teeth), and green ribbon.
Time Requirement: 5-7 minutes.
Skill Level: Medium
Video Tutorial:
Step-By-Step Instructions:
Begin by parting hair on left (or right if that is your natural part). Pull hair back into a tight ponytail and secure with the regular rubber band. Divide the ponytail into three even sections of hair. Put a small clear elastic around each section about 1.5 inches above where the ponytail is secure. Repeat these steps on the other two sections of hair. You will now have three heart shaped pieces. Pull all of these ends together and secure together with one elastic. You should have a three leaf clover. At this point, I added a few bobby pins to help the heart/clover leaf to stay in place and secure the rubber bands. Add a green ribbon as an accessory if you want.Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!