This hairdo is very similar to Lucky Do #2 below except that this is the 3-clover version, and different from Lucky Do #1 because this one is from three ponytails instead of one. This one happens to be my personal favorite.
To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our CGH App, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHBestThreeLeafClover
Items Needed: Brush, comb, spray bottle, hairspray, 4 rubber bands, and any accessories.
Time Requirement: 10 minutes.
Skill Level: Medium
Step-By-Step Instructions:
Begin by parting hair about 2 inches above ears all the way around the head. Pull this hair back into a ponytail and secure with rubber band. Now part remaining hair into two sections by parting hair right down middle of head. Pull both into ponytails and secure with rubber bands (you should now have three total ponytails, one on top and two on bottom). Flip all three ponytails using a topsy-tail tool (flip the two bottom ponytails outward towards ears). Flip the top ponytail from neck to top of head. Separate each ponytail into two sections. Twist each section outward from rubber band. Have your DD hold sections while you work as needed. When all twists are done pull the ends together forming three heart shapes. Secure all ends together with one rubber band. Add ribbon or a flower if you desire.Happy Hairdoing!
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