Do any of you remember the “Bun Hawk” my husband proposed? Well these “Egg-Tails” are another one of my husbands creations. He really does come up with some funky stuff!
I recognize that this probably isn’t the hairstyle you are going to take your DD to Church with on Easter Sunday, but I think it would be really fun for Friday at school or even Saturday morning’s Easter Egg hunts!
To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our CGH App, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHEasterEggtails Items Needed: 10 small elastics, 6 rubber bands, 2 ribbons, 4 plastic Easter eggs (this number may vary depending on the length of your DD’s hair). To help hold the eggs, you may wish to use Got2b Blasting Freeze Spray (available at Walmart or Target).
Time Requirement: 10-15 minutes.
Skill Level: Hard
Step-By-Step Instructions:
To begin I did a zig-zag part on the top and then a straight part down the back. You don’t have to do the zig zag, but do part the hair into two equal parts down the back. Gather hair into ponytails and secure with rubber bands. Take the hair from one ponytail and divide it evenly into five parts. About 1-2 inches down the hair strand, add an elastic. This keeps the hair pulled together so you can see the eggs better and also adds a little grip on the egg. Continue adding elastics until all five pieces have one elastic each. About another inch down the hair add a rubber band. Be aware that you may have to slide the rubber band down a little to fit the egg in, but it so much easier to add the egg after the rubber band (you may also find that using the tiny rubber bands that have that “eraser” texture will hold the eggs easier rather than the slick ones). Add the egg, spacing hair pieces evenly around the egg. (Be aware that smaller eggs will not work… they fall out too often.) Once you feel like the egg is secure, tighten down the hair by pulling the rubber band as tight against the egg as possible. Repeat these steps for additional eggs (if you can fit them) all the way down the ponytail. You may wish to use Got2b Blasting Freeze Spray (available at Walmart or Target) one the eggs are in… this is a very effective hairspray that will help the little “baskets” to keep their shape. Once you spray, use a hairdryer on low heat on the egg just until the baket becomes stiff). In my DD’s case we only got two eggs in. Repeat these steps on the other ponytail. Add some ribbons at the top, and you will now have this! I guarantee you will get lots of comments on this one! If you have access to the smaller plastic Easter eggs (ones that fit maybe 5-6 jelly beans), you could fit maybe 3-4 eggs per ponytail, but I couldn’t find them anywhere this year!HAPPY EASTER!!!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!