Crimped Strands | Waterfall Braid

Here is a cute Easter Hairstyle that will definitely stand out!  It incorporates the use of a Double Waterfall Braid, but with “spot” flair. In fact, I am working on a series of Waterfall Braid videos that will show you several ways to finish off the hairstyle.

Side view of the Waterfall Braid with Crimps

Now I know that many of the younger generation think that crimping is soooo 1980’s, but I am telling you as a hair guru that it is coming back.  I still have the crimper I used as a teen, but it was in rough shape.  So, I looked online at Walmart and Amazon and found several crimpers, some of which are accent crimpers (1″ or 1/2″, which I absolutely love)!

Back view of the Waterfall Braid Hairstyle with Crimps

The key is that once you finish the double Waterfall Braid, you take each strand… one by one… and gently crimp once every three inches or so. (You can crimp the whole strand, but I prefer the accents.)

Portrait of young girl modeling the Waterfall Braid Hairstyle with Crimps

We received soooooo many compliments that Sunday, and many moms asked where in the world I found my crimper!

Items Needed: Rat-tail comb, one hair band, crimper, and heat protectant (I know I say protectorant in the video… but they are both the same thing per google!), accessory if desired.

Time Requirement: 10+ minutes

Skill Level: Medium

*Disclaimer: One of my twins had fiddled with our HD camera and accidentally lowered the settings to 370p, so the video is not in HD. I was bummed, but when she looked up at me with her gorgeous puppy dog eyes… I couldn’t be upset! Could you?

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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