Triple-Braided Tieback | Bohemian Hairstyles

This hairstyle is one that I know you will enjoy simply because it is not likely one you have seen before, but its definitely one that will garner attention everywhere you go!

Back view of Triple-Braided Tieback | Bohemian Hairstyles

We’ve posted a Single Braid Tieback before, and these types of looks are very Bohemian {or Boho} -looking… something that Renaissance girls might have worn, but trendy enough to be worn today! Feel free to add texture {curls} to the hair for a different look!

I have worn this, my girls have worn it, so this hairstyle will work on girls of any age!

Items Needed:  Brush, rat-tailcomb, 5 clips to hold hair, 6 small hair elastics, hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 10 minutes

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Begin by parting the hair down the middle of the head. No part from the middle to each ears. You should have a large square shaped section on either side of the head. Part each section into three smaller sections (for a total of six). Make sure to keep the sections as equal as possible based on hair thickness. You may need to do smaller sections on the top and larger sections near the ears. Secure five of the sections with a hair clip to keep them out of the way until you need them. Braid all six sections and either have your daughter hold them or secure with elastics. Make sure you braid going DOWN the head toward the shoulder. Not back toward the back of head. This makes a huge difference in the way the braids lay when finished. You only need to braid them far enough to reach the center back of head. Now pick up the top braid on either side. Pull them back to the center of your head and secure with an elastic. Pull out any other elastics that were holding the ends of the braids and allow hair to fall free. Pick up the middle briads on either side, plus the ponytail of hair falling from the first braids and secure all of them together about 1 inch lower. Remove any extra elastics and allow hair to fall free. Pick up bottom braids on either side, plus the ponytail of hair fralling from the first and second braids and secure them together about 1 inch lower. Remove any extra elastics and allow hair to fall free. Add a ribbon if desired.


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Happy Hairdoing!

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