Half-up Bow Combo

Half-up hairstyles like this one are very popular right now. This one happens to use a regular 3-strand braid, a fishtail braid, and a hair bow. Inspiration for this braid came from my friend @n.stark on Instagram. I actually saw her style photo in a magazine and fell in love with it!

Half-Up Bow Combo | Cute Girls Hairstyles

Half-Up Bow Combo | Cute Girls Hairstyles

This hairstyle can be dressed up or down, depending on the event you are attending, and it does hold up fairly well if you are planning to be active.

Half-Up Bow Combo | Cute Girls Hairstyles

Half-Up Bow Combo | Cute Girls Hairstyles

To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHHalfUpBowCombo

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 1 ponytail holder, 2 small hair elastics, 4-6 small bobby pins, spray wax and/or hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 8-10 minutes

Skill Level: Hard

Step-By-Step Instructions:

Take a rectangular section of hair at the top of the head.  Scoop it back to the crown. Divide your section into three pieces and begin a three strand braid. Braid down about 5-6 stitches. Re-divide the hair into two pieces as you will fishtail the remaining hair. BEFORE you begin your fishtail, tug on your three strand braid and pancake a little. Now begin the fishtail.  Stop along the way to pancake your braid. Finish your fishtail, pancake and fluff, and secure with an elastic. From the front, pick up the side pieces  that we left down. (See video tutorial for more details) Pull the two new side pieces back and secure with an elastic. This is where you will create a bow with the hair.  (See video tutorial) Secure your bow loops with bobby pins, and then secure your bow center with bobby pins.

This week on Brooklyn & Bailey… “Brooklyn BFF Tag”  Meet Brooklyns best friends, Allison & Parker!

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