Halloween is one of our favorite Holidays on CGH! We are super excited to share some new ideas for 2016. To kick off our #CGHSpooktorial series we have Rylan channeling her inner Cave Woman!We are calling this one the Cave Woman Half-Up. We used a styrofoam bone from Michaels to create this everyday Cave Dweller look (wink wink). Prepare yourself for all kinds of compliments!
To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHCaveWoman!
Hairstyle inspired by: http://redpunzel.blogspot.com
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, crimper, small hair elastics, small plastic bone for hair, bobby pins, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 10-15 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Step-By-Step Instructions:
Prep with hair using a micro-crimper/texturizing iron. You could use a regular crimper as well. The difference is in the size of the crimp. Pick up a section of hair on the top of the head a secure with an elastic. Placement should be on top. Not too far back or you don’t get the volume shown in the photos/video. Pick up the ponytail hair and section off the top 1/3. Divide the 1/3 section into two pieces. Place the bone sitting right in front of the elastic. Wrap your two pieces of hair up and over the bone. Bring them down and underneath the entire ponytail. You will need to flip the ponytail up to do next step. With the ponytail flipped up, cross your two pieces of hair and wrap back under the bone to the front. Flip your ponytail back down. Cross your two pieces again in an X. Take it back one more time underneath the ponytail and secure with a small elastic. Once you are secure, take the ponytail and tease it a bit to get a big voluminous ponytail! Add hairspray {if desired}.This week on Brooklyn & Bailey… “Water War Challenge” We love this game from Jimmy Fallon and thought it would be super fun to play!
This week on Kamri Noel… “Ultimate Everyday Teen Fails” Have you ever tripped over nothing? You are not the only one!