Pull-Thru Crown Braid

Close up back view of young girl outside modeling "Pull-Thru Crown Braid" hairstyle Back view of young girl outside modeling "Pull-Thru Crown Braid" hairstyle

I love pull thru braids.  I love crown braids.  I love, love, LOVE this pull thru crown braid!  It is the perfect combo for every day or a special event.To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHPullThruCrown

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, hair elastics, hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 5-10 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Step-By-Step Instructions:

Start by parting the hair down the center.  Create a second part going across right behind the ears. You should have 4 sections.  Secure 3 of them with a clip or rubber band so you are only working with one section at a time.With your first section, create another part from the top middle and go down the center of your section. Create two ponytails with small clear elastics.  You want them sitting close to the nape of the neck.Now repeat step 2 on the remaining sections of the head.  In the end you should have 8 small ponytails secured with little clear elastics.Pick up a ponytail in the back.  Split it into two pieces.  Pick up the ponytail next to your first and place in the center of the two pieces of the first.  Bring the two pieces of ponytail #1 and join them with ponytail #3.  Secure with another small elastic.Go back and pancake the bubble you just created around ponytail #2.Continue this process (steps 4-5 ) all the way around the head.When you have gone all the way around to the back again.  Continue the pull thru process all the way down your ponytail.Wrap your ponytail up and around.  Tuck the ends under and secure with a bobby pin.Any loose ends sticking out can be tucked under and pinned.Finish with hairspray {if desired}.
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