Summer is here, are you looking for a beautiful new hairstyle? This one is perfect for long hair. We combine french braids and lace braids for a beautiful and easy combination braid.You can add curls, waves or crimps to your hair as a base. I have found that the braids pop more and are bigger/fluffier with the added texture. This hair style works on long hair and medium hair. It is perfect for girls of all ages as well, and holds up during a full day of activity.Inspiration for this hairstyle came from the show “Vikings” on the History Channel and my friend JennisHairDays on Instagram. To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHDutchLaceComboItems Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 3 hair elastics, hairspray or dry wax {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 8-10 minutes
Skill Level: Medium
Step-By-Step Instructions:
Create two parts at the top of the head about middle of the eyebrow going to the back of the crown. Then across the back making a square U shape. Lifting your top section out of the way, pick up all of the remaining hair and secure with an elastic temporarily. Go back to your top section and add some back combing for added volume. Pick up a small section from the front and begin a regular french braid all the way back.When you run out of new hair to add in to your braid, continue with a regular three strand braid all the way down to the bottom and secure with an elastic. Go back and pull on the edges or pancake your braid to give it a full look. Release your temporary elastic from the bulk of your hair. Section off a new piece of hair on one side of your braid. Going down about an inch from the original part line, to the back of your crown.Again, lift your new section out of the way and pick up all of your remaining hair and put it in an elastic temporarily.Now go back to the front and begin a dutch lace braid. This is where you are only adding new hair to the top piece of your dutch braid. Once you reach the back and run out of new hair, finish with a regular braid all the way down and secure with a small elastic.Repeat steps 8-9 on the other side of your head.This week on Brooklyn and Bailey… “Simple Things” The official music video to our new song ‘Simple Things’.
This week on Kamri Noel… “What’s in my backpack….End of the Year”! Find out what disgusting thing are lurking in the bottom of Kamri’s school backpack.