Double Dutch Fishtails

Back view of girl wearing a blue shirt standing outside modeling "Double Dutch Fishtails" hairstyle Side profile girl wearing a blue shirt standing outside modeling "Double Dutch Fishtails" hairstyle Back view of girl wearing a blue shirt standing outside modeling "Double Dutch Fishtails" hairstyle Back view of girl standing outside holding her hair modeling "Double Dutch Fishtails" hairstyle Side profile girl wearing a blue shirt standing outside modeling "Double Dutch Fishtails" hairstyle

Today we have an adorable combo hairstyle for you.  You can learn how to create the Double Dutch Fishtails.To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our CGH App, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHDoubleDutchFishtails Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, hair elastics, hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 10-15 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Step-By-Step Instructions:

Begin by parting the hair down the middle all the way back.  (If you like a side part for the front, angle from the side to the middle and then down the middle in the back.)Take one side and secure with a rubber band temporarily.Pick up a small section of hair from the front and begin a dutch braid.  Cross the top piece under the middle piece, then the bottom piece under the middle piece.Now before you cross the top piece under the middle piece, pick up a new piece of hair and add to your top strand.Repeat alternating from the top piece and bottom piece, crossing under the middle strand and adding a small piece of hair before crossing under. Braid all the way back until you run out of new hair to add.Once you run out of hair to add in, secure your braid with an elastic.Go back and pull on the edges of your braid to pancake your braid to give it a little more volume.Pick up a small piece of hair from your ponytail, wrap it around your elastic once or twice.  Secure the end of you hair wrap by using a topsy tail to pull it back through or secure with a bobby pin.Repeat the dutch braid on the other side. Now you are going to pick up one of your ponytails and begin a fishtail braid. Split your ponytail into two sections.  Pick up a small piece from the outside of the left piece, cross over and add to the right piece.  Pick up a small piece from the outside of the right piece, cross over and add to the left piece.Continue this process for several stitches, then go back and pull on the outside edges of your braid to give it more volume.Go back to braiding and pulling on the outside edges all the way down.  When you reach the bottom, secure with a small elastic.Repeat the fishtail on the second ponytail.

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