This week we have a very pretty French Lace Braid Updo. It is an elegant look that is perfect for Homecoming, Prom, or even a t-shirt and jeans.To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHLaceBraidUpdo
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 3 small hair elastics, 7-8 small bobby pins, 1 ponytail holder, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Step-By-Step Instructions:
With your hair parted to one side. Pick up a small section of hair (on the heavy side) about an inch back from bangs. Divide into three pieces and begin a french braid.After about 2-3 stitches you will stop adding in new pieces of hair from the top. This will create a lace braid. Again, only add in new hair with the front/bottom strand.Just behind your ear, stop adding in new hair and braid all the way down. Secure with a small elastic.Go back and pancake the top edges of your braid.Repeat the same braid on the opposite side of your head.Pick up your remaining hair and pull into a low ponytail. Secure with an elastic.Go back and tug/pull the top to create volume.Pick up your ponytail and add a second elastic at the bottom of your tail.Beginning with the bottom elastic, roll your ponytail up and secure with bobby pins on both sides.Pull and tug a little on your bun to create volume.Pick up one of your braids and pull it backward and across the top of your bun. Secure the top of the braid with bobby pins. Tuck the ends of your braid inside your bun (it will create even more volume to your bun).Repeat step 11 on the other side.Finish with hairspray {if desired}.