This hairstyle looks way more difficult than it is. It’s easy enough to wear every day and fancy enough to wear for a special occasion. Your daughter will get lots of compliments with this cute hairstyle.
Items Needed: Comb, brush, spray bottle, 2 rubber bands, hairspray or spray gel.
Time Required: 5-10 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Step-By-Step Instructions:
1. Start by doing a small zig zag part on either side. Pull remaining hair into a tight ponytail.
2. Separate off a small section of hair (about the roundness of a pencil). I think I did about 10 twists total on this bun. You can spray section with hairspray or gel at this point to help hair stay twisted and not poke out. Begin twisting. Twist all sections one direction.
3. Continue to twist until hair is so tight it naturally wants to curl in on itself.
4. Allow hair to curl in on itself until it is short. Hand that section to daughter to hold. Leave about 2 inches of hair at end of each twist.
5. Separate off another small section and begin twisting.
6. Continue to separate off sections and twist until you get about halfway through the hair. I switch over at this point and begin from the opposite side. Usually my daughters fingers are full on one hand by this point so I have her switch hands too.
7. Once all hair is twisted, gather all sections from daughter’s fingers and pull them into one spot just above ponytail holder.
8. Using a stretchy rubber band go over the entire twisty bun.
9. Using a stretchy rubber band go over the entire twisty bun.
10. Wrap the elastic and go over whole bun again to secure all hairs into place. You need to make sure the elastic is TIGHT or the hair will slip out of place. If the elastic is a little loose…rather than trying to take it off and start again, I just add a second rubber band to help secure hair.
11. Add a bow or flower. Rat the ends and hairspray to add volume and fluff.
To see your own photo recreations of this hairstyle featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHponytailoftwists
Happy Hairdoing!
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