Back to School Hairdo: French "Doubled-Up" Braids

This hairstyle is fairly simple with a little flair on school day mornings.    I’m sure you will love it!

French Doubled-Up Braids


To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our CGH App, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHFrenchDoubleupBraid


Items Needed: Brush, comb, spray bottle, 2 regular rubberbands, and 2 clear rubber bands.

Time Requirement: 5-10 minutes.

Skill Level: Medium


Step-By-Step Instructions:

Begin by parting your DD’s hair on either side. Create another part from the top down to each ear and clip the hair out of the way on one side. Using the French braid technique, braid down both sections of hair to the ear. When you run out of hair to add to the French braid, just continue on with a regular braid through the length of the hair and secure with a clear rubber band. Part remaining hair into two equal parts down the back of head. Gather and create a braid right behind the ear adding in the ends of the French braid. I intentionally had my small braid showing within the larger braid. Secure with a regular rubber band and you’re done!

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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