Bohemian Fishtail Braid | Popular Hairstyles

So many viewers have been asking for a hairstyle tutorial on how to do a Fishtail Braid (also called a mermaid braid). Here it is!!! It is a fun hair style, with a very unique look… and you can pretty much use it anywhere you would typically use a simple braid.

Portrait of young girl modeling Bohemian Fishtail Braid | Popular Hairstyles

For this tutorial, I explain how you can have the braid look two different ways.  The first is one with a ponytail into the braid ending with another band (typical braid style), with the second being a more Bohemian loose style with only one band at the end. Younger girls prefer the tight fishtail while teens particularly like the latter, which is what I demonstrate here.

If you do not know how to fishtail braid, please pay particular attention to how to handle the stranding…

Items Needed: Rat-tail comb, 1 long aligator clip, 1 large hairband, hairspray, accessories if desired.

Time Requirement: 5 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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