Lace Braid into Soft Ponytails | Teen Hairstyles

If any of you watched the Bachelor this past season, you may have noticed this super cute lace braid style from Michelle Money… arguably the most “controversial” but also one of the most beautiful girls that season.

Portrait of young girl modeling the Lace Braid into Soft Ponytails

This braid style is similar to a Reverse French Front, only that you pull hair into the braid from the top side only… so that the braid hangs down on the forehead like the fringe of a curtain. In my video example, I only wish I had braided the bottom side of the braid closer to her ear so that the braid swoops into the ponytail earlier… so please keep that in mind! It is super cute, nonetheless!

Although I used this style on my #3 daughter as an experiment, this style is perfect for teen/tween girls, and even moms, so it is sure to be a hit. You can technically use this braid style in any number of fun combinations (tucked behind the ear with the rest of the hair down and curly, into a messy bun, in an updo, into braids, etc).

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, hairspray, two hairbands, two small flower clips (or other accessories).

Time Requirement: 5-7 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Happy Hairdoing!

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