Bohemian Braids | Cute Hairstyles

For a hairstyle that is quite simple yet elegant looking, I recommend this one.  The style, and variations of it, tends to be very popular with teenagers.

Back view of the Bohemian Braids

You simply section off four small squares of hair with your rat-tail comb, two near the front of the head and two at the crown (both on either side of the part), and then microbraid the strands.  Rather than rubberband each braid, have your daughter hold the braids as you complete them.

Once you are finished braiding, gather all four braids together and rubberband them.  Then simply comb out the remaining section of the braids so that is blends with the rest of her hair.

Right SideSide right view of the Bohemian Braids

Left SideLeft side view of the Bohemian Braids

FrontPortrait view young girl modeling the Bohemian Braids

You can do this hairstyle with either straight hair, as I have here, or with waves or curls.   The braids add the perfect accent!  You can also do the front braids closer to the forehead if you wish.  (If you use a flat iron to straighten the hair, please spray on a good heat protectant/conditioner first.) Enjoy!

Items Needed: Rat-tail comb, one elastic hairband, spray on conditions to control flyaways, bow or clip (as desired).

Time Requirement: 5-7 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Happy Hairdoing!

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