From time to time, we like to film super-fun hairstyles that we know that many of our fans will love. Today is one of those days!
My girls and I have read The Hunger Games series, were quickly drawn in to the story lines, and we absolutely love them! With the movie coming out on March 23, 2012, we have received quite a few requests from fans asking us to show some of the styles used in the movie.
Luckily for us, there are trailers and movie posters already available online that give us a tiny glimpse of a few scenes, in anticipation of the movie.
Today we are going to demonstrate Katniss’ Diagonal Dutch Braid hairstyle. {We also want to give a huge thanks to Lindsey, an extremely loyal fan, for emailing us the best shot of the hairstyle in the movie poster below!
This style uses an exact Dutch Braid starting on the front of the right side of the head and braiding back across the head in a diagonal direction until you can finish off the hair in a simple braid over the left shoulder. This hairstyle reminds me of a style that Angelina Jolie would wear!
{In the tutorial below, I show you the Katniss style but do not actually go into the details how to do the braiding. If you want to see exactly how to do this, please click our Same-Side Dutch Braid Hairstyle link.}
It is important to note that this braid is intended to look messy, as Katniss was wearing this hairstyle in the arena during the games.
You will also note that I used a few hair extensions to add length to the braid, since my hair is short. It worked well because my own hair acted as layers, which were perfect as some fell out in the hairstyle… just like in Katniss’ braid!
I know this will be a very popular braid, especially once the movie comes out on March 23, so you can help make this braid a viral sensation by referring it to all your girl friends on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc! That way millions of girls everywhere will wear this hairstyle to the theaters to see the movie! I know for sure that we will!
Please a comment and let me know if you plan to go see the movie, and don’t forget to share!
Big hugs!
Items Needed: Brush, 1 hairband, 1-2 bobby pins, hairspray {if desired}
Time Requirement: 5 minutes
Skill Level: Medium
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!