How to Create a DIY Dutch Waterfall Braid | Cute Braided Hairstyles

Last week I showed you how to create a Dutch Waterfall Braid on my daughter…

Because it is a tricky braid to learn, and because so many fans are asking for it, this week’s tutorial will show you how to create a DIY Dutch Waterfall Braid in on your own hair!

DIY Dutch Waterfall Braid | Popular Hairstyles

You can see that it is the exact exact same technique, but they key to mastering the braid is learning how to “feel” for the stranding in your own hands, and without being able to see the back of your head.

Trust me, this is a braid that everyone is going to comment on! Please do not get discouraged and give up if the braid does not turn out perfect the first time! ☺ {Practice always makes perfect!}

Close-up of DIY Dutch Waterfall Braid | Popular Hairstyles

Side view of DIY Dutch Waterfall Braid | Popular Hairstyles

Back view of DIY Dutch Waterfall Braid | Popular Hairstyles

In last week’s tutorial, I ended my daughters Dutch Waterfall Braid with a simple braid and elastic band. In this tutorial, for a more mature look, I chose to end the braid behind my left ear using two bobby pins in a crossed pattern. Once you master the braid, you can pretty much end it in any creative way you wish!


I started by straightening my hair, but I really think this braid would be lovely on curly hair as well.  I also teased the top of my hair to create a little extra volume {creating a more mature, softer look}… Begin by picking up a small section of hair where you want to start the braid {I started on the front, above the right eye}… Divide this small section into three strands… Begin a normal dutch braid.  This means that the middle strand will always go OVER the outer strands {or you can say the outer strands will always go UNDER the middle strand}… Do one complete stitch by taking the middle strand over both outer edges once… You now drop the middle piece and let it fall out of the way… This is where it gets a little tricky… now pick up a small section of hair to add back into the braid and add it back as the MIDDLE piece.  Do NOT add it as the bottom piece or the braid won’t work.  You have basically just dropped the middle strand and replaced it with a new strand in the exact same location. Now take that middle strand and cross it over the outer bottom strand.  This will create the outer edge that pops out of the braid… You then add hair to the top-outer strand {this is exactly what you would do with a regular Dutch braid) and cross the middle strand over that one… You have now just finished your second “stitch” at this point. Repeat steps 5-7 over and over again until you get to a point where you want to finish off the braid. I tried to create a diagnol line going from my right temple to my left ear. When you get about 2 inches behind your left ear, twist up a small section of hair up from the left side and clip it out of the way using an alligator clip.  We will use this piece later to hide the bobby pins… Now take two bobby pins and pin the remainer of the braid right behind your ear {making sure to “cross” the bobby pins for added security}.  Your ear will also help hide the bobby pins… Release the clipped hair from the clip and allow it to fall freely over the bobby pins. Now adjust the braid and the rest of your hair to your liking, and add hairspray {if desired}.

If you are looking to use this hairstyle to attend a wedding or school dance, you may choose to curl the falling strands with a wand!


Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, 2 bobby pins, 1 alligator clip, hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 5 minutes

Skill Level:  Hard

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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