You are going to absolutely LOVE this hair tutorial because you’ll learn two amazing-looking hairstyles using essentially the same basic techniques!
This hairstyle also incorporates three braids… the Lace Braid, Feather Braid, and Ladder Braid. {If you are confused by any of these techniques, we have previous tutorials of each individual braid you can check out by clicking the links above.}
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The Feather Waterfall
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, 1 hair elastic.
Time Requirement: 5 minutes
Skill Level: Medium
**Bonus: If you have had a hard time in the past mastering the traditional Waterfall Braid, this is a great technique that looks nearly the same… but might be easier for beginners!
Pick up a small section of hair near the front of the part line and divide it into three strands… Begin a regular braid by creating one stitch… Now, add in some hair ONLY to the top strand. {A Lace braid is when you only add hair to one side of the braid, unlike a traditional French/Dutch braid where you would add hair to both sides.} Once you’ve added in hair to the top strand, cross that piece over the middle strand… Then, pull a tiny section of hair off the bottom strand before crossing this strand over the middle. {This is called a Feather Braid, because the tiny pieces fall off the braid much like a feather with its spine.} Continue to add hair to the top strand, removing out tiny sections from the bottom strand, as you work your way around the head… When you get near the opposite ear, stop adding in/removing hair, and continue a normal braid down the strands and secure with an elastic.You have now created the beautiful Feather Waterfall braid!
For a very gorgeous look, one that will certainly turn heads when you walk around, use this Feather Waterfall hairstyle as a base and continue below …
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Ladder Braid Combo
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, 2 hair elastics.
Time Requirement: 5-8 minutes.
Skill Level: Medium
For purposes of creating this hairstyle, you will need have the Feather Waterfall Braid done {see instructions above}…
Take the first five feathers, or so, and flip them up and over the head to keep them out of the way while you begin your second braid… Pick up another small section of hair, 1-2 inches below the other braid, and begin a regular braid with one stitch… Now, add in hair from the top…which essentially creates another Lace Braid. {The difference is that you will only be adding in the “feather” strands from the first braid.} Continue braiding, adding in a feather strand into each top strand of the Lace Braid, as you go. This is creating a Ladder Braid, with the feather strands now becoming “rungs” on the ladder… As you braid, try to keep the braids about 1-2 inches apart to allow the ladder effect to remain… Continue ladder braiding as you work your way around the head. When you get near the opposite ear, stop adding in hair and finish off the strand into a normal braid… Secure with an elastic.You have now created an unbelievable, eye-catching Ladder Braid Combo!
CGH#3 wore this hairstyle to the Kid History Episode #10 Premier this past Friday night, and women were commenting and taking pictures of it all night!
Here is the video tutorial…
If you liked this hairstyle, please do feel free to share! Happy Hairdoing!
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