It looks like Lionsgate has been releasing sporadic photo stills from the upcoming Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire!
The one that I am most interested in shows Prim embracing Katniss right after her sister returns home from the games.
What I love about this photo is that it symbolizes Katniss’ promise to her younger sister that she would return to her, a promise that she kept.
The released photo shows a good side shot of a super-cute braid that Prim is wearing! The hairstyle looks like a variation of the Katniss braid, but leaving some hair down in the back. {The movie still is credited here.}
Taking a quick look at the photo, my girls and I deducted that it is a winding braid, using a lace braid technique along the partline and forehead. Then, right about the right temple, the braid turns into a Dutch braid until just behind the right ear, then back into a lace braid diagonally around the back {allowing for hair down}. The braid is then finished into a simple braid that can be worn down in the back or over the shoulder.
For another super-cute look, you could continue the diagonal braid as a Dutch braid instead of a lace braid… giving your a beautiful variation of the Katniss braid from the original movie and Catching Fire!
If you would like us to replicate more “Catching Fire” hairstyles, simply let us know in the comment box below! And… if you loved this tutorial, PLEASE BE SURE TO SHARE IT!
Get practiced up on this hairstyle, because I feel it will be one that millions of young girls will wear to see Catching Fire when it releases in November, 2013!!! I know Brooklyn and Bailey are anxious to see it!
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, curling wand, 1 small hair elastic, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 5 minutes without texture, 10-12 minutes with curls added.
Skill Level: Hard
Step-by-Step Instructions:
{Optional} You can use a TopStyler to add curls previous to braiding, which is what the Hunger Games hairstyle team uses, but I used a NuMe curling wand to add texture to the hair. Begin by creating a deep side part on the left side of the head… Pick up a small section of hair at the back left of that part, closest to the crown. Separate that section in to three smaller strands, and begin a Dutch Lace Braid. Creating a lace braid, you add in hair only on the side of the braid closest to the part line. Continue directing the Lace Braid towards the face… As you get to within about an inch of the hair line, begin to curve the braid slightly to create a soft arc shape… As you complete the arc, just above the right temple, you will need to begin adding hair into both sides of the braid by using a few stitches of a regular Dutch braid. This is because you will also want to incorporate the bottom hair so that it isn’t in the face… Continue the Dutch braid till you get to right above the ear… angle using the Dutch lace braid technique seen in the video.Once you reach directly above the right ear, you will want to switch back to forming a Lace Braid. {You will only be adding hair into the top side of the braid nearer to the top of the head.} Remember that Prim has long hair remaining below the braid that flows down her back. Using a lace braid for the diagonal braid in the back will allow the bottom hair to remain, like a half-up/half-down hairstyle, just as in the photo. From the top of the right ear to the bottom of the left ear, you will want to create a 45 degree angle using the Dutch lace braid technique seen in the video. When you get to the bottom of the left ear, make sure you tug the hair into the braid a little tighter, in that last stitch, to keep the hair from hanging awkwardly over the ear. Once you have gathered up all the hair into the Lace Braid, finish it off using a simple braid, and secure with a hair elastic. Spritz with hairspray, if desired.Here is the video tutorial… enjoy!
Please feel free to leave a comment below and let us know what you think!
Happy Hairdoing!
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