If there was one hairstyle that I wore the most as a young teenager, it would have to be my Soccer Braids tutorial.
I loved it because of the cute double Frenchbacks into flips, but also because on the second day I could take out the braids and have beautiful waves. For each of my girls, that is the very style we use when they are participating in sports because the hair holds up well with all the activity.
Today, I wanted to go into my past, take that style, and “spice” it up a bit!
Rather than adding another Frenchback down the middle, I opted to create a double-sided Waterfall Braid down the center of the head. I then incorporated those fall-through strands as the added-in hair for the topside of each Frenchback. It turned out super cute, and leaves a very intricate pattern that I am sure people will notice!
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 small hair elastics, accessory or hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 8-10 minutes
Skill Level: Medium
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Begin by parting the hair into three vertical sections {the two parts should start above the middle of each eyebrow, and run down to the neck. The middle section should be about 3 inches wide}… Secure each outside section with an elastic to keep it out of the way… Working on the middle section first, begin by creating a regular three-strand French braid. After the first stitch, drop the outside strand of hair. Replace that strand, by picking up hair near the part line {this is the same technique used in the Waterfall Braid}…. When you get to the other side of the braid, drop the outside strand there and replace it with hair with hair near that part line… Continue braiding with Steps 4 & 5 all the way down the center braid, dropping each outside piece as you go {continue to replace the outside strands with hair near the part lines}. This will create a double waterfall braid, or a waterfall with strands dropping on both sides of the braid… When you run out of hair to add into the braid, finish off this section with a simple three-strand braid, and secure with a hair band {the end of the braid will be smaller because you dropped so much hair off to the sides – this is normal}… Now, release the hair on one of the side sections of the head and begin a normal three-strand French braid… When you add hair into the top side of this braid, add in only the fallen strands from the Waterfall braid above it… When you add in hair from the bottom, do so as you would normally with a French braid… Continue this braiding technique, Steps 9 & 10, all the way down until you run out of hair {you will begin to see a ladder effect forming as you pull the strands from the Waterfall braid into the bottom French braid}… When you are finished with this side braid, temporarily secure it with a hair band. Repeat Steps 8-12 on the opposite side of the head… When all three braids are finished, you can complete the hairstyle in many ways. One option would be a ponytail. Anther option would be to form all the ends of the braids into one braid, or you can form the hair into two separate braids over each shoulder as I did in my Soccer Braids tutorial. Lastly, add accessories and hairspray as desired.Please feel free to leave me a comment below letting us know what you think! As always, if you loved this hairstyle, please feel free to share it!
Happy Hairdoing!
Also, don’t forget this week’s bonus video from my twins’ YouTube channel! This was one of the most fun activities our kids have ever done! What community activities does your city have?