DIY Double Fishtail Twist | Braided Hairstyles

My little Bailey is becoming quite an expert little braider! She has been wearing this one around as one of her go-to hairstyles lately, and telling me about her friends’ reactions.

So, I asked her if she would be willing to share it with you, too, and she agreed!DIY Double Fishtail Twist | Braided Hairstyles{First off, can I just say that my girls are growing up way too fast! Just look at them, and then compare them to the little girls in some of our earlier tutorials!}

If you know how to create a fishtail braid, then this hairstyle will be easy for you. If you do not know how, you can learn here from one of our first tutorials.Portrait of a young girl outside modeling Double Fishtail Twist | Braid Hairstyles

Up-close of the Double Fishtail Twist | Braid Hairstyles

Portrait of a young girl outside modeling Double Fishtail Twist | Braid Hairstyles Basically you create two fishtail braids, and then twist them flatly around each other into a cute side twist.Portrait of a young girl outside modeling Double Fishtail Twist | Braid Hairstyles

Up-close of the Double Fishtail Twist | Braid Hairstyles

Portrait of a young girl outside modeling Double Fishtail Twist | Braid Hairstyles

Portrait of a young girl outside modeling Double Fishtail Twist | Braid Hairstyles Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 small hair elastics, 1-2 bobby pins and hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 8-10 minutes

Skill Level: Medium {for time}

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Begin by sweeping all the hair over to one side of the head… Separate the hair into two smaller sections, and secure one out of the way for now… Using the free section, begin creating a regular fishtail braid… to create a fishtail braid, you begin by separating the hair into two strands. Now take a very small piece of hair from the outside edge of the right strand, and pull it over the top and place it on the inside edge of the second strand… Now take a small piece from outside edge the left strand, cross it over the top and add it to the inside of that right strand… Repeat Steps #4-5 over and over until you have formed a fishtail braid… Once you reach the end of the braid, secure it with a hair elastic. Now repeat this process with the hair section you had previously secured out of the way… You should now have two finished fishtails at this point. Take the two fishtails and wrap them around each other, flatly, to create the fishtail twist… Remove both elastics at the ends of the fishtails, and re-secure both fishtails together using only one elastic… Loosen any necessary strands to frame the face and soften the look. Add bobby pins for added security, or hairspray {if desired}.

Please feel free to leave me a comment below letting us know what you think of Bailey’s DIY Double Fishtail Twist!  As always, if you loved this hairstyle, please feel free to share it!

Happy Hairdoing!

Two weeks ago Bailey had her braces taken off and she wanted to upload a video of it to YouTube. She wanted to show other kids her age that they have nothing to worry about, plus show you all her smile reveal…

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