As you all know by now, we’ve loved Lace Braids in our home for years, and fishtail braids have been around for eons. What would a hairstyle look like if you combined the two into one?
Today, we will show you how to create a Laced Fishtail Braid!Just over two weeks ago, a fan emailed me with photo screenshot of this inspired style, asking for us to create a tutorial. In all my efforts, I traced the photo to an Instagram account named PeinadosSweet on Instagram. {Be sure to check her out!}
Bailey is my Lace Braid lover, so she promptly volunteered to be my model today. The entire hairstyle takes about 8-10 minutes to create, but if you are careful, it can last for up to two days!If you have shorter hair, you can do the lace backs and then do a flip-under bun or a messy bun, and the hairstyle would be just as adorable!
Feel free to tag your own photos of this hairstyle with: #CGHLacedFishtail
We get asked a lot for sports hairstyles, or styles that can be worn at the beach or pool, etc. This hairstyle fits those categories perfectly, and is wonderful for Summer because it keeps the hair out your face and holds up fairly well, wet or dry.
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 1 small hair elastic, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 8-10 minutes
Skill Level: Hard
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Begin by parting the hair on one side of the head… On the heavy side of the part, begin a Lace Braid by only adding in hair to the bottom side of the braid… Continue the lace braid around the crown of the head {where a crown would sit}, stopping just a few inches above the ear, and continuing on with a simple braid… Temporarily secure with an elastic, or ask your daughter to hold onto the braid for a moment… Repeat another Lace Braid, in the same manner, on the other side of the head… Next, take both braids and cross the left braid over the right, with the rest of the hair hanging down underneath {your two braids will now act as your two strands for French fishtailing}… Now pick up a section of hair from the rest of the hanging hair, on the right side, and cross it over the right strand/braid, adding it into the left strand… Conversely, pick up a section of hair from the left side and cross it over the left strand, adding it to the right-most strand… This completes the first stitch of a French fishtail braid. Continue Steps #7-8, picking up hair and crossing it to the other strand, over and over again, until you run out of hair… When you run out of loose hair to add to the French fishtail, continue braiding with a simple fishtail and secure with an elastic… Add hairspray or accessory {as desired}.Hope you enjoy the CuteGirlsHairstyles App, and more importantly, know how much we appreciate you being a part of this journey with us!
Happy Hairstyling!
The twins decided to be hilarious this week and film a “Not-My-Hands” Makeup Challenge on their BrooklynAndBailey YouTube channel! It seriously looks like Brooklyn gave Bailey a bloody nose! Simply click the video below to have a few laughs…