Rosie the Riveter | Halloween Hairstyles

We apologize for getting this post up late, as we were on vacation in Hawaii and not where we had reliable wireless service. Hurricane Anna gave us a scare while we were there, after we could not change our flights to get out early, but she ended up being downgraded to a tropical storm right before hitting us. Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes!

I’ve wanted to film this Rosie the Riveter tutorial for a long time now, but knew that it was fitting for our Halloweeen #CGHSpooktorials series this year.

Rosie the Riveter | Halloween Hairstyles

Rosie is a cultural icon here in the United States. She represents those women who were needed to work in industry while the men of the time were called up to serve during World War II. Because of this, and other sacrifices women made at the time, she is an icon representing feminism and economic industry.

Rosie the Riveter | Halloween Hairstyles

The basic fundamentals of this hairstyle include a pin curl and a messy bun. Accented with a red bandana, this hairstyle comes fairly close to the style seen in Rosie’s ever-famous “muscle” pose.

To see your own photo recreations featured in our CGH App, feel free to tag your own photos of this hairstyle on IG with: #CGHRosieTheRiveter

Rosie the Riveter | Hairstyle Tutorial

Rosie the Riveter | Hairstyle Tutorial

This is a super cute Halloween costume idea for girls of any age, and fairly easy to put together with stuff you likely already have in your closet.

Rosie the Riveter | Hairstyle Tutorial

Rosie the Riveter | Hairstyle Tutorial

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, root boost, 1″ curling iron, boar bristle brush, 2 ponytail elastics, 10-12 bobby pins, red headband, finishing hairspray {for hold}.

Time Requirement: 10 minutes

Skill Level: Hard

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Begin by parting the bang area into a deep U shaped part… Pull the rest of the hair into a high ponytail and secure it close to the edge of the U part… On the bangs, spray some root boost into roots of the dry hair, then use a blowdryer to dry the hair while pulling forward, and upward, to create volume and lift at the roots {this is a very important step}… Using a 1- 1 ¼ inch barreled curling iron, separate the bangs into 5-6 sections and curl in a traditional manner. Now use a boar-bristle brush to gently brush out the curls, finger combing them also to create one giant curl instead of separate curls… Using a rat-toothed comb, separate the bangs into 5-6 pieces and teasing each just a tiny bit at the root {ratting in a downward motion only, not up and down}… Then, use the edge of the comb to gently comb the surface hair only to remove any bumps from the teasing and to smooth the top layer of the bangs down… Lay hair in the direction you want the curl to form, and again, smooth with the comb… At the ends of your bangs, you should have one giant curl forming {if not, you may  need to use the curling iron again as in Step #4}, then use this curl to begin a Pin Curl… To create the Pin Curl, gently wind the hair up and around your fingers until you reach your forehead area, and secure with carefully-hidden bobby pins… You should now have a nice pin curl, with a lightly-teased swoop into the curl. Use finishing spray to hold the curl and bangs in place… Next, take a red, folded bandana and wrap it up and over the tops of your ears, tying it right behind the Pin Curl… Feel free to use 2-4 bobby pins to hold the bandana in place… Lastly, create a standard messy bun with the remaining hair in the top ponytail, using bobby pins to secure it to your liking… Add a final touch of finishing spray for extra hold {optional}.

Please be sure to leave a comment below letting me know if you would like to see more vintage hairstyles like this one!

Happy Halloween!

The girls showed us all this past week how to create a DIY Girly Mario & Luigi costumes from Super Mario Brothers on their BrooklynAndBailey YouTube channel! I thought it was adorable. Click below to view the tutorial!

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