Mermaid Heart Braid | Cute Valentine’s Day Hairstyles

I can’t believe another Valentine’s Day is here! With only a few weeks to go, it is now time for another heart hairstyle! Valentine’s Day hairstyles have become some of our most popular tutorial, and this one will be not different.

Mermaid Heart Braid | Cute Valentine's Day Hairstyles

This style combines three little elastic heartlets with a Mermaid Braid technique and curls. We’ve worn it several times, letting the hair fall straight, combining it all into a simple braid, and here with curls. We love how it turns out every time! Even as we were taking photos, moms were stopping us to either comment on the hearts, or ask me how we created them.

To see the entire tutorial, simply click below!

Now, you can complete this hairstyle with either wet or dry hair, it really depends on the look you are going for. We’ve done both and they are equally as beautiful in their own way. Today, we are teaching you on wet hair, which we know keeps the hair tighter and the hearts more uniform {adding a little pomade helps, too}.

Mermaid Heart Braid | Cute Valentine's Day Hairstyles

Feel free to use pink, red, or clear elastics in the hair, as those colors are perfect for Valentine’s Day hairstyles. I went with dark elastics today only because I wanted the hearts to be the main attention draw.

To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our CGH App, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHMermaidHeartBraid

Young girl standing outside modeling Mermaid Heart Braid | Cute Valentine's Day Hairstyles

Young girl standing outside modeling Mermaid Heart Braid | Cute Valentine's Day Hairstyles (Back)

Young girl standing outside modeling Mermaid Heart Braid | Cute Valentine's Day Hairstyles

Young girl standing outside modeling Mermaid Heart Braid | Cute Valentine's Day Hairstyles

Young girl standing outside modeling Mermaid Heart Braid | Cute Valentine's Day Hairstyles (Back)

This style was inspired from a combination of my hairblogging friends, Лена Роговая, Princess Hairstyles and Mimiamassari.

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 6 small hair elastics, pomade, accessory {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 5-8 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Begin with wet or dry hair {I find that for the first try, the hair lays better if done wet}… Then pick up a section of hair right behind each temple.  Pull them to the back center of the head, apply a little bit of pomade, and then secure with an elastic… Pick up another small section of hair directly underneath the first ones, pulling them to the back of the head, and applying pomade, just as you did before… On your first side, place your pointer and middle fingers onto of the section you just pulled back… Then tuck your fingers underneath the first section you pulled back…. Now, place the second strand between those fingers and gently pull the strand downward {this should create a looping effect around the first strand of hair}… Repeat Steps #4-6 on the other side… Next, grab the ends of the two second strand and secure them together to form the heart shape {make sure you like the shape of the heart before you move on}… Continue with Steps #4-8 for both sides until you have three total hearts… Optional: I ended the style with three hearts and curled the rest with my wand, you could also add a simple braid, a fishtail, or continue the hearts down the remaining hair into a full Mermaid Braid.

Please leave a comment below letting us know what you think about this Mermaid Heart Braid! In what combinations would you wear it?

Happy Hairstyling!

Ever wanted to know what our filming room/studio looks like from behind the cameras? Well, this week BrooklynAndBailey give you the entire tour, including a secret room! Click below to watch it!

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