Halloween is just a few weeks away, and we’re ready to give you a few more Spooktorials! For today’s hairstyle tutorial, we will be teaching you how to create a Twist Faux Braid, a perfect braid for a Greek or Roman Goddess!
This style was requested by my daughter Brooklyn, also my model here, who wanted a hairstyle to match her Grecian Goddess costume. I had a few ideas in my head for how to create this using a technique we’ve shown you here before, the Faux French Braid, and then twisted it up “literally” with some inspiration from by SecretosDeChicas on Instagram!
We began with a simple 3-strand braid down the middle of the head, and threaded through loose twists of hair {intermixed clockwise and counter-clockwise} that we brought from the sides. What this technique leaves you with is a very full and beautiful faux braid that fitting for a Greek\Roman Goddess or princess costume.
This hairstyle would be perfect for a wedding, flower girl, prom, homecoming, and musicals or plays where Greek or Roman goddesses are depicted. It would also look super adorable dressed down with a cute blouse and jeans.
To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHTwistFauxBraid
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 small hair elastics, 5-6 small bobby pins, hairspray and accessory {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 5-8 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Video Tutorial:
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Begin with hair down and with a slight side part… Then part from the side part down to each ear and secure out of the way for now… Take the hair directly behind the two parted out sections {crown of the head} and tease it a little… Form a nice soft bump, then secure with an elastic at the base of the crown, behind the head… Then create a simple 3-strand braid with the remaining hair in that ponytail… Now release the front sections… Take one piece from the left front and give it a twist towards the back of the head {fluff the twist slightly in the back to add some volume to it}… Then, with your thumb and forefinger, reach up through the top left-most elbow/stitch of the braid, and grab an edge of the twist and pull it through… Secure that twist in the braid by inserting a bobby pin straight down into the braid… Then repeat Steps #7-9 on the right side of the head… Repeat Steps #7-10 over and over, pulling newly formed twists down through the braid, puffing the twists and securing them with bobby pins as needed… When you get to the base of the head, a fun technique is to mix up the direction you are twisting by adding some twist in counter-clockwise vs clockwise {this adds variety and a little bit of randomness to the braid}… When you run out of hair to pull through, gently secure the entire braid with an elastic, adding in pins to set the twists in a pattern to your liking… Add accessories or hairspray {as desired}.Be sure to click here to check out the rest of our Halloween #CGHSpooktorials, and comment below with your favorites!
Happy Hairdoing!