Easy DIY Crown Braid

Back view of young women standing in her room modeling "Crown Braid" hairstyle Close up view of young women standing in her room modeling "Crown Braid" hairstyle

Crown Braids are so beautiful but they can be a challenge.   Hair needs to be long (for traditional crown braids) which rules out lots of people.  I have a technique to show you that just might help!  We call it the Easy Crown Braid.  This is one of our favorite braids for summer! Will you be rocking this Easy Crown Braid?

Profile side view of young women standing in her room modeling "Crown Braid" hairstyle Profile side view of young women standing in her room modeling "Crown Braid" hairstyle

To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHEasyCrownBraidItems Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, small hair elastics, bobby pins & hairspray. {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 5-10 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Step-By-Step Instructions: 

Start by dividing the hair into two sections by creating a part from the front all the way down to the back.Clip one section out of the way.Take a small section from the top/front of the side you are working on.  Divide into 3 equal sections and begin a dutch braid.You will take the outer strands and cross under the middle section.  After the first stitch you will add new pieces of hair to the outer sections as you go. Always crossing under the middle section.When you run out of new hair to add in, continue braiding a regular 3 strand braid all the way down and secure with a small elastic.Pancake the outer edges of your braid to create a nice full and voluminous braid.Repeat steps 3-6 on the other side of your hair. TIP:  angle braid #2 toward the base of braid #1 (See video)Take braid #1 and clip it up out of the way temporarily.Pick up braid #2 and wrap it backward at the nape of the neck and secure with a bobby pin at the base of braid #1.  (See video)Roll braid #2 up and turn it back the opposite direction (essentially creating a switchback) and secure the corner with a bobby pin.Twist, roll, and tuck the elastic and end of braid #1 under the edge of itself and secure with a bobby pin.Take clip out of braid 1.  It should lay nicely above and across braid #2.  Secure in place with bobby pins.If you have longer hair you can wrap braid #1 all the way around the front and lay on top securing with bobby pins.If you have shorter hair (as seen in photos/video) you will do the same twist, roll and tuck under with your end piece.  Secure with a bobby pin.Finish by pancaking any additional pieces and spray with hairspray. {if desired}

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This week on Kamri Noel… “10 Fun Kid Activities to fight Summer Boredom”   Great ideas for your long summer days!

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