Have you ever heard of a stacked side braid? Have you ever tried a stacked side braid? I love this braid and I think it is such a statement braid!Watch the video for tips on fishtail braiding on yourself. Hopefully it will help if you have struggled with fishtails.
To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHStackedSideBraid
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, small hair elastics, bobby pin, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 5-10 minutes
Skill Level: medium
Step-By-Step Instructions:
Begin by bringing your hair over one shoulder to the front. Pick up a section of hair from the back & underneath and clip it out of the way. Now take the rest of your hair and divide in two sections. You are going to begin a fishtail braid. (See video for Abby’s fishtail braid trick) Braid all the way down until you run out of hair. Go back and pull/loosen your braid to give it a nice thick & full look. Secure your braid with a small clear elastic. Go back to the small section of hair you clipped out of the way. Divide into 3 pieces and create a 3 strand braid all the way down. Pull and loosen your braid a bit. Lay your 3 strand braid down the middle and on top of your fishtail braid secure both ends together with a small clear elastic. You can remove the elastic you used on the fishtail before. To attach the 3 strand to the fishtail, take a couple of bobby pins and secure them together from the back of the fishtail. It’s a little easier to hide the bobby pins by starting from the back. Thread it through up and then down. If you have any side hairs that fell out (from the weak side) just roll them back and pin. Finish with hairspray {if desired}This week on Brooklyn & Bailey… “Brooklyn Eats Guinea Pig?”
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