Double Knotted Braids

When Brooklyn & Bailey were little, we used this hairstyle all the time. (Not sure why we stopped…?) Not too long ago I saw an old picture with this hairstyle and decided I should share with you!Double Knotted Braid | Cute Girls HairstylesDouble Knotted Braid | Cute Girls HairstylesShoelace Braid | Cute Girls HairstylesWe called this the double knotted braid but you may have heard of it as the shoelace braid.  It’s very similar to tying your shoes.  Shoelace Braid | Cute Girls HairstylesWith a little practice, you will find this hairstyle fairly quick and easy.  Double Knotted Braid | Cute Girls HairstylesTo see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHDblKnotBraids

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 small hair elastics, hairspray or spray wax {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Step-By-Step Instructions:

Start by parting the hair down the middle. I prefer to do this on wet hair.  If your hair is dry, spray a little water to dampen the hair. Go to the top front and pick up a small piece of hair and divide into two sections. Take the left section under the right and tie a knot like a shoe lace.  (see video for visual instructions) Add hair  to both pieces and use the same technique by crossing the left piece under the right and tie in a knot like a shoe lace. Repeat steps 4-5 until you run out of new hair to add. Secure with an elastic. Repeat steps 3-7 on the opposite side of the head. I added ribbons for a pop of fun.

This week on Brooklyn & Bailey… “What’s on Bailey’s iPhone”

This week on Kamri Noel…  “10 Cheesy Pick-up lines w/ K-Swag”

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