Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Today, I am going to share how to create another cute heart hairstyle!Ponytails are simple, but accented ponytails are on a whole other level! This combination hairstyle uses a ponytail, and four micro braids.To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHDoubleHeartPonytailThis ponytail was inspired by this video by Tinkerbean and the Poplettes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PYP0…
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 ponytail holders, 7-8 small hair elastics, spray wax, hairspray and ribbon {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 5-10 minutes
Skill Level: Medium
Step-By-Step Instructions:
Begin with a ponytail and secure with an elastic. Rylan has pretty thick and heavy hair so I added a second elastic for added strength. I pulled a little in front for a bit of volume.Using the end of my comb, I sectioned off a piece of hair on the top of the ponytail. You don’t want to get too much hair, but you need just enough to create 4 tiny braids with it.Flip the divided section up and hold out of the way temporarily.With the bottom/ponytail hair, divide into 5 pieces and secure with a temporary clip or rubber band.Now go back to the top section you had on the side. Divide into 4 sections. At this point you should have 4 on top and 5 on bottom.With each of the 4 sections you create 4 regular 3 strand braids to about halfway down the hair strand and secure with an elastic. The braids will become your heart. The length you braid will be the size of your heart. Lay the braids in between the 5 sections below. You should have a pattern of hair, braid, hair, braid, hair, braid, hair, braid, hair.Let your braids drop down. Pick up the 5 ponytail strand and pull upward securing with an elastic.Right up next to the ponytail, pick up your braids and pull up just enough that you get small loops.Continue to pull and adjust creating your hearts with the braids. When they are the size you like, pick up your ponytail & heart ends and secure with an elastic.Go back and release all the elastics from your 4 micro braids.Now go back to your micro braids and create a good heart shape. I used some spray wax to help mold my shape.I added a red ribbon around the ponytail elastics to accent the hearts and finished with hairspray.This week on Brooklyn & Bailey… “Boyfriend Tag” Brooklyn has her boyfriend Parker on to answer some relationship questions.
This week on Kamri Noel… “Valentine Puns”