Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast”, starring Emma Watson is due to hit theaters on March 17, 2017. We are so excited to see the film. I bought tickets the first day they went on sale! For a princess hairstyle, this one is on the easy end. We use a few twists, flips and a ponytail to create Belle’s look. I even have a little bobby pin trick to help get the classic Belle swoop in front!

This is a beautiful hairstyle that you could wear for any occasion. You could even dress it up for a formal occasion! To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHBellePonytail
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 ponytail holders/elastics, 2-4 small bobby pins, spray wax or hairspray, and ribbon {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 5-10 minutes
Skill Level: Medium
Step-By-Step Instructions:
Begin with some wand curls in the hair.Part the hair just slightly off center.Pick up a section of hair on one side of the part. This will be the pretty swoop in front.Spray a little wax on the hair to keep smooth. Pull the piece down and place a temporary bobby pin about an inch above the ear in front. This is just going to set and help mold our swoop while we are creating the ponytail.Repeat steps 3-4 on the other side of the head.Pick up a new section of hair at the crown of the head. Secure with an elastic.Go back and pull and loosen at the crown to add volume and softness.Just above the elastic, create a hole. Flip the ponytail up, through the hole and back down. Now you should have a pretty twist at the crown of the head.Next, go back and pick up one of the pieces from the front.Twist backward and bring through a hole you will create just above the hole in your ponytail twist.Twist that same strand of hair again and bring it through the hole of your ponytail twist. (If you are confused, click on the video link above.)Repeat steps 9-11 on the other side.Go back and remove the bobby pins. Tug and pull to loosen your twists a bit for a full/soft look.Pick up all of the hair in the back and secure with an elastic.Create another hole right through the middle of the hair (just above the elastic).Flip your ponytail up and then down through your hole to create a pretty twist.Tie a bow around the ponytail elastic.Finish with hairspray.This week on Brooklyn & Bailey… “Release of ‘Dance Like Me'”
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