I am in love with this fun combo hairstyle! It is great for a wide range of use from an easy everyday hairstyle to a fancy occasion. The #CGHSidePullThruCombo uses a fishtail a pull thru and a twist for a beautiful hairstyle.I love both a fishtail and pull thru but put them together and you have double the cute! To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHSidePullThruComboItems Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, hair elastics, bobby pins, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 5-10 minutes
Skill Level: Medium
Step-By-Step Instructions:
Start by parting your hair to one side.On the heavy side of the part. Pick up a small section of hair in the front and begin a french fishtail braid. Divide your section of hair into two pieces. Take a small piece from the outside of piece number one and cross over adding to piece number two. Take a small piece from the outside of piece number two, cross over and add to piece number one.To make it a “french” fishtail, now pick up a small new piece of hair and add to the small pieces you are taking from the outside, before crossing over and adding. (You only want to braid with the top half of your hair.)You will only do this for about 3-4 stitches. At this point you will stop adding in new hair on the bottom side. You will add new hair to the top side only until you reach the back of your head.Go back and pancake the edges of your braid to create a nice full/fluffy braid, then secure with a small elastic.Pick up a small section of hair from the front of the light side of your part. Begin twisting backward and add in new hair from the top of the head only. Once you reach the back of your head go back and pull on a few of the edges to fluff your twist.Pick up a small section of hair from the front, just below your fishtail braid. Twist back ward to create a twist. When you reach the back of the head, combine with the twist from the other side and secure with a small elastic just off to the side where your fishtail sits.Next we will begin the pull thru braid with the remaining hair. Pick up a section from each side of your head (just above your ears). Bring them back and secure with a small elastic just below your twist.Split your bottom section of hair into two pieces. Bring them up around your ponytail on each side and combine. Secure with a small elastic.Continue your pull thru braid all the way down. Split the bottom ponytail into two pieces. Bring up and around the top ponytail, combine and secure with a small elastic.Every so often go back and pull on the edges of your braid to create a nice fluffy braid.Finish with Hairspray {if desired}.