How to Create a Butterfly Tieback

Close up back view of girl standing indoors wearing a red ribbon in her hair modeling the "Butterfly Tieback" hairstyle Back view of girl standing indoors wearing a red ribbon in her hair modeling the "Butterfly Tieback" hairstyle

Today’s hair tutorial reminds me of summer.  It is a cute change up on your typical tieback.  This one reminds me of a beautiful butterfly.  

The Butterfly Tieback has a similar technique as a heart hairstyle we have done before.  This one is easy enough to be a DIY.  I added a bow for Rylan but you can leave it off for older girls and moms.To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHButterflyTieback

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 3-4 hair elastics, 2 alligator clips, spray wax or hairspray, and ribbon {if desired}.Time Requirement: 3-5 minutesSkill Level: Medium

Step-By-Step Instructions:

Begin by picking up two sections of hair from the front. (one on both sides)Pull them backward and secure with a small elastic in the center back.Using your topsy tail tool, place it in the center of your tieback, behind the elastic.Pick up the ponytail and divide into two sections.With the first section go behind the end of the topsy tail, go up to the back of the topsy tail loop and come through to the front.  Now gently pull the topsy tail down.  This will pull the hair down into a half loop.Repeat step 5 on the other side.Secure both ends together with a small elastic.Next, place your topsy tail through one loop.  Pick up a new section of hair on one side just below where you picked up before.Pull the hair back, through the topsy tail and then pull the bottom of the topsy tail down to pull the hair through the loop.Repeat steps 8 and 9 on the opposite side.Secure your 2 new sections of hair together in the center back with a small elastic.Repeat steps 3-6 on your second ponytail.Now pick up both sections along with the first ponytail and secure with a small elastic.Go back and gently pull on the outer edges of your top loops to better form your butterfly wings.Finish with hairspray {if desired}.

This week on Brooklyn & Bailey… “Our First Roadtrip | No Parents!”

This week on Kamri Noel… “Giant Sour Slushee Pong!”

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