Today I’m sharing this super cute French Braided Updo. It is perfect for a fancy event you might have coming up, like Homecoming. This one looks complicated but in reality it is quick and easy!

To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHFrenchbraidupdo
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, hair clip, bobby pins, 6 small hair elastics, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 5-8 minutes
Skill Level: Medium
Step-By-Step Instructions:
Take a section of hair from the front and divide into 3 equal pieces. You are going to begin a regular french braid. Cross the top strand to the middle. Cross the bottom strand to the middle.Next pick up a new piece of hair and add to the top strand before you cross over to the middle.Pick up a new piece of hair and add to the bottom strand before you cross over to the middle.Repeat this process for a few stitches.Once you have reached the back of the head, stop adding in new hair to the bottom strand to create a lace braid.Once you reach your ear, stop adding in new hair and continue with a regular three strand braid down to the end of your hair. Go back and pancake the edges of your braid. Secure with a small elastic.Lift your lace braid up and out of the way. Temporarily clip.Pull the remaining hair into a low side ponytail and secure with an elastic.Section off a piece of hair from the ponytail (about 1/3) and twist it. Tug on the edges of the twist to create more volume.Push the top edge of the twist up and on top of the ponytail. Secure with a bobby pin.Pick up another section of hair from the ponytail and add to the end of your twist. Twist the two together and tug on the edges.Twist the top up, place on your head and again secure with a bobby pin.Continue this same pattern (creating a bun) until you run out of new hair to add in.With your last twist, tug on the edges to create volume, twist around your bun and pin in place.Now release your lace braid, wrap it down and around your bun.Tuck the ends under your bun and secure with bobby pins.Go back and pull out some small pieces from the front to frame the face.Finish with hairspray {if desired}.