4 in 1 Pull-Thru Braid

Back view of young woman standing in her room wearing pink shirt modeling "4-in-1 Pull Thru Braid" Hairstyle Side view of young woman standing in her room wearing pink shirt modeling "4-in-1 Pull Thru Braid" Hairstyle Close up back view of young woman standing in her room wearing pink shirt modeling "4-in-1 Pull Thru Braid" Hairstyle Back view of young woman standing in her room wearing pink shirt modeling "4-in-1 Pull Thru Braid" Hairstyle Back view of young woman standing in her room wearing pink shirt modeling "4-in-1 Pull Thru Braid" Hairstyle

Pull-Thru braids are seriously my favorite.  There are so many different ways to style one.  Today we are sharing a few different ways you can wear a beautiful pull-thru.  To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGH4in1PullThru

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, small hair elastics, bobby pins, hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes

Skill Level: Easy

Step-By-Step Instructions:

Pic up the top half of your hair  (about 1″ above your ears) pull it all backward and secure with a small elastic at the back of your head.Pick up that 1″ section of hair above your ear and divide into 3 pieces.  Create a regular three strand braid long enough to reach the back of your head.Go back and pancake your braid to create volume.  Lay it backward across your  ponytail and secure with a bobby pin.Repeat steps 2-3 on the other side of your head.Pick up your ponytail and divide into two sections. (top and bottom)With your top section, add a clear elastic about two inches down.Right above the elastic you just placed, stick your fingers through the middle of the hair.Bring the bottom section of your ponytail up through the hole.Now with your top section you just pulled thru, add another clear elastic about 2″ down.Right above that elastic, stick your fingers thru and pull the bottom piece up and thru to the top.Go back and pancake the sides of your bubbles as you go.Repeat steps6-8 all the way down until you run out of hair.

Style #2

Pick up the lower half of your hair that you left down from above hairstyle.  Pull back into a ponytail.  Place your pull-thru braid on top and secure them together with an elastic.

Style #3

Pick up your ponytail and pull-thru you created in style #2.  Bring them up and create a messy bun with the tails.

Style #4

After completing style #1, pick up the bottom half of your hair, divide into two sections.  Use your pull thru as a third section to create a regular three strand braid to the side.  Secure with an elastic.
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