Here’s another great short hairstyle that is so easy a dad can do it!
Items Needed: Comb, brush, water bottle, hairspray, hairdryer, round brush, 4 rubber bands, ribbons or other accessories.
Time Required: 3-5 minutes.
Skill Level: Easy
Step-By-Step Instructions:
1. To begin, part hair on either side.
2. Then, separate from the middle part down to each ear. This will give you two sections–one slightly smaller than the other.
3. Take each section and pull into piggy-tails with a rubber band.
4. Now twist the piggy-tail hair around the rubber band to create a little twist. My girl’s hair is so short it won’t wrap more than once easily, so I just do it once and leave a few ends sticking out the back (fluffing it later). But if that bothers you, simply keep wrapping until all hair is added into the twist. Secure twist by wrapping another rubber band over the top of the twist.
5. Repeat twisting process on other side. You now have two twisty buns.
6. I now take my comb and rat the ends that stick out — just to add a little volume and fluff. I also use a hairdryer and round brush to fluff and smooth the back of her hair. (If you can’t remember my directions for this click, see here). Add a few ribbons or bows and… POOF! You are done!
To see your own photo recreations of this hairstyle featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHTwoMessyTwistsonTop
Happy Hairdoing!
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