This is one of a few cute and easy hairstyles I have been seeing around a lot lately. This hairdo I saw on a staffer at the GTU shoot a few weeks ago and it is super easy for those mornings when you literally only have a minute before rushing out the door. Moms can use it, teens too, and even little girls! This hair style looks good with straight hair, and even better with somewhat curly hair and an accesory. The example I show below is on my daughter’s straight hair…
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb (for the part), Topsy Tail, one large hairband, hairspray, accessories (as needed).
Time Requirement: 2 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Here is a view of the hairdo from the side…
And another from the front…
Some people have asked for more tutorials on how to use the Topsy Tail, and this one is a perfect example of how to use it. You can do this without the tool, by using your fingers to push the ponytail through… but the Topsy Tail does it effortlessly and without pain.
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!