My husband and I were on vacation a month ago, and while we were gone, Brooklyn and Bailey decided to take a photo of a hairstyle they made on their own.
They uploaded the photo to their Instagram and the photo was quickly picked up by one of the top braid curators on Instagram! It had over 25,000 likes in just over an hour!
I was SOOOO proud of the girls! The photo below, which also appears in the video thumbnail is right off of their Instagram!
When I arrived home, I asked them if they wanted to film a tutorial for it and they said YES!!!
This is a simple Lace Braid, with the braid itself pancaked and an added cream bow as an accent.
This video shows that even younger girls can create this beautiful braid! {It certainly helps when girls see other young girls making these braids}
BTW… click Kid History #10 episode to see the funny video my girls referenced in their video! We know these guys personally and are hoping that they will continue making amazingly funny, parent-approved videos for our children! Please go and support BoredShortsTV!
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, 1 small hair elastic, hairspray and bow accessory {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 2-3 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Begin by brushing or curling hair… Then, add a side part… Now, pick up a front section of hair on the small side of the part… then divide that section into three smaller strands to begin the braid. {This is a lace braid, so you will only be adding hair to the top side of the braid. DO NOT add hair to the bottom of the braid!} As you braid, make sure you carry the braid on a diagonal direction so that the braid will cross the back of the head… As your braid reaches the other side of your head, rather than braiding down the rest of the section in a regular braid, simply secure it with a hair elastic… To add additionally accent to the braid, gently tug on the “elbows” of the braid in order to pancake it. This flattens the braid, and helps make it appear bigger at the same time. Add hairspray, if desired, and any accessory to the end of the braid.Please feel free to leave a comment below and let us know what you think! If you enjoyed this hairstyle, please feel free to share it!
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Google Reader will be shutting down on July 1st, so if you want to follow our blog… please don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader for women!